University Department Policies

The main purpose of this project was to make sure all of the tech policies were clear and easy to understand.  All policies were reviewed for correct grammar and spelling.  Student Team Members: Ahmed Al Guqhaiman, Anna Schafer, Chris Kulaga, Kyle Gardner, Milton Plummer, Rick Wilburn

University Department Lab Layout

The desired goal for this project was to create a new layout for one of the department computer labs.  All of the students within this semester were asked to submit a layout design.  Objects that needed to be included in each proposed layout were tables, chairs, cabinets, instructor space, and PCs.  Design software was tested…

Storage Cabinet Clean Out

The goal of this project was to go through the storage cabinet and determine whether or not the contents of the cabinet would be of use in the future.  The students working on this project sorted through the hardware that was within the cabinets, kept the useful items, and boxed up the older stuff to…

Teaching High School Students

This project consisted of teaching high school students how to  make learning fun.  The student showed the high school students how to create a wireless router antenna booster.          Student Team Members: Twila Dowell, Mark Mitchell

Update Computer Features

The client for this project was an individual who was needing assistance getting some computer features restored and functioning again.  The student on this project updated the Media Player and updated another software per client request.  Project Student: Mark Mitchell


The student was in charge of finding the best price for a software license.  These pieces of software included Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) and SAL Server 2008.  Research was done to find if the software licensing offered student discounts.  Project Student: Ahmed Al Guqhaiman

Monument Design Packages

This project consisted of the student researching monument design Computer-Aided Design(CAD) packages for a client.  The client had just started a monument design business and needed a CAD system.  The student found two solutions that fit the client’s needs.  The solutions include Monu-CAD Entry Level Manufacturing System Package and Monument Starter Package.  Project Student: Kyle…

Not-For-Profit Video Broadcasts

Each week a not-for-profit organization has a day dedicated to patient engagement through video broadcasting. As a part of being in a campus relationship, students have volunteered to assist Child’s Life Specialists in running a themed video bingo and their caller driven song program. This project involves operating video and sound equipment in order to produce…

Not-For-Profit Proposal Analysed

A not-for-profit was given a proposal for facility-wide access to the Not For Profit Group necklaces and wanted to ensure that anyone on the site could receive assistance if they used the necklaces.  The students involved in this project researched the proposed project cost and other solutions. The students further  analysed the proposed cost for…