The project goal is to create a database able to help with all daily and seasonal functions for an agricultural company. The client is currently using excel sheets to track the data for both. They input data within these sheets often. The database will be used to help generate reports and views to allow the users to see and find the information needed. Interface using Microsoft Studio will allow for easier way to access the database and allow for log in feature requests by the client. This will also allow users to input data into sheets their roles have access to altering.

Currently, the database contains multiple tables with associating stored procedures and triggers. The stored procedures will handle the inserting, updating and deleting the record of the table. One of the triggers is designed to modify the Last Modified Date field of the table. The second trigger will insert a row into an Audit table to keep track of changes made to the associated table.

Further work needed for the project would consist of developing a visual interface as described above and implementing a procedure or package for inserting records into tables involving an intersection table in the correct order to avoid any problems with data integrity.

Student Team Members:  Chung Nguyen, Ryan Weber
