Lab Computer Replacement

The goal of this project is to replace all the existing computers two university department labs.  The first step is to build an image and then test it to make sure all of the requested software and applications were functioning properly.  The second step is to replace all of the PCs in the two lab…

Computer and Printer Installation

The objective of this project is to successfully update the computer in a university department office and install a new printer.  In order to complete this project the updates were installed, printer drivers were installed, and then a test of the printer.    Project Student: Twila Dowell

Alternative Server for SharePoint

A computer from a university department’s lab was used for a server by installing Ubuntu LAMP Server with the alternative SharePoint software.  The final phase of this project was creating remote access to the server for quick installation.     Project Student: Twila Dowell

Hard Drive Wipe

The desired outcome for this project is to successfully wipe the computers that were taken out of two of the labs in a university department building.  To complete this project, Darik’s Boot and Nuke software was used to wipe the hard drives of the computers.      Project Student: Twila Dowell

Not-For-Profit Proposal Analysed

A not-for-profit was given a proposal for facility-wide access to the Not For Profit Group necklaces and wanted to ensure that anyone on the site could receive assistance if they used the necklaces.  The students involved in this project researched the proposed project cost and other solutions. The students further  analysed the proposed cost for…

University Department Lab Maintenance

A university department’s labs are used to allow students the ability to perform various hands on computer labs in a secured, comfortable learning environment.  In allowing the students to complete their labs in such an environment, the workstations  allow students to have administration privileges to successfully complete their tasks.  Due to these privileges, the labs…

University Department Support

The responsibilities of this project included maintaining the labs associated with a university department, assisting in finding a solution to a Final Cut server issue, and Adobe Premier issues.           Project Student: Matt Hoffman