A local organization facilitates the translation of scientific discoveries in the lab into clinical trials and new patient treatments in Indiana and beyond.

The organization has numerous spreadsheets to assist in their budgeting and application of benefits for those involved in the trials, including the doctors, staff, etc.  Previous work done by the Living Lab has created a database (in Oracle) which contains tables and stored procedures, along with a basic website for viewing, editing, and creating data.  The focus of the continued development will be to continue working on the creation and editing of the data via a website, and making it so data can be imported (such as a Fringe Benefit schedule) at any time.

The website application has been updated so that quick entry of data can be entered without the user needing to click update constantly (using AJAX).  Also, the users can now import a file with the correct columns and update certain areas very quickly using an export from other various systems.  Along with these updates, some database structure changes were made to better fit the .NET Entity Framework and additional fields were added for auditing purposes.  Along with these fields, an auditing factory was integrated so that any inserts, updates, or deletions would be tracked.  The user interface was updated so the user does not have to “page” through data one web page at a time, and not get a list of hundreds of records at a time, a search function was integrated, along with other various improvements.  Finally, the application now uses IU CAS authentication to provide security of the website.  Overall, this was a fun, and at times frustrating, project to work on, and I feel confident leaving the project in the hands of the next programmer.  Utilizing the resources I have already worked into the main parts, and expanding on those to the other areas that are in need, along with the documentation I am providing, they should be able to get started quickly and efficiently move through the rest of the requirements for the client.

Project Student: Chad Beckner
